jueves, 11 de julio de 2013


WebQuest English

WebQuest English

Autor: Lucas
E-mail: lucasyebra@gmail.com
Área: Inglés
Nivel: Educación Primaria

INTRODUCTION -You are going to learn new vocabulary about home using the internet.

TASK -You have to use a web search engine for searching more names of parts of a house and vocabulary about the things into the different rooms. Then, you are going to use "Word" and copy and paste 10 new words, with their respective images.

PROCESS You should:

1)Open the internet browser.
2)Go to a web search page.
3)Think on some words that will show you exactly what you want.
4)If you want to search for images, select the "images search".

RESOURCES -You can use different web search engines, such as:

Some important words in your search process could be:

and more...

EVALUATION -After 1 week, you should send me by email your "Word" document or give it to me in a pendrive in class.

(Páxina creada con Xerador 1,2,3 a túa WebQuest - http://www.aula21.net/)

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