viernes, 27 de junio de 2014

Text processor activity 4



Remember Peter’s Kitchen and your own kitchen. Then, complete the  board.


Peter’s kitchen furniture

Your kitchen furniture

EX: Microwave













Text processor activity 3

Correct the mistake


Read the text below. There is a mistake in a word. Find it, then use the search&replace tool for changing all the mistaken words by the correct one.


I met Peter a few years ago, at the scul. I was new there and I was alone every morningbut one day, Peter came to me and said me “hi!”.

Now, we are good friends, and not only in the scul.

At the beginning I was bored at the scul, but now I love it. Our teacher is the best in the world!


Now, copy and paste below the corrected text. Then, highlight in yellow the corrected words. Finally, underline all Peter’s name[LYA1] .

 [LYA1]Remember the search&replace tool. It is very useful for this.